Want to buy a Sony Vaio Zoom laptop with holographic screen?
The idea is great! The holographic technology is compressed into a thin glass, which acts as the screen. After a hard day of work, you switch it off and the screen will go completely transparant and the keyboard turns opaque.
The whole holographic idea is great, fits the future perfectly. Great for advertising, great for home entertainment, great for presentations and so on, but will it ever be suitable for a laptop?
I don't think so. The best men next, or acrossed you can see (mirrored) exactly what you are doing. And if you are playing a game of solitair that is quite okay, but do you want that man (or the world) to see your private stuff? Working out a marketing strategy for your job, see the emails you receive, see what websites you visit and so on..it is not ahhhh....ideal!
Yeahh...the holographic idea is cool, but it wont work for a laptop...
Labels: holographic, holographic screens, laptop, sony, touch screens, vaio